Recap | Married at First Sight Season 12 Episode 7 – the latest episode recap on TV Central from Channel 9. Watch the show on 9Now.
The weddings are over, the honeymoons have finished, and we’ve even survived the first explosive Dinner Party of the year… which can only mean one thing.
It’s move-in day!
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The couples arrive at their new apartments together, excited (and nervous) about what’s to come.
While some are still riding the wave of wedding bliss, unpacking has burst bubbles for others.
Jake has brought along his fishing vest and much like Eliot, Ashleigh has now discovered she has a non-negotiable.
Jacqui also has non-negotiables, but that’s less surprising.
She wants no shoes on the couch and no TV in the bedroom.
”I think electronics are really bad for human kind, like people are just dumbing their brains my watching TV,” she says… on a TV show… that we’re all watching… on our TVs.
I am a little offended.
Once settled in, everyone starts to gossip about the previous night’s events. Jamie is still fuming about Tim’s treatment of Katie, who is currently moving into an apartment alone.
She doesn’t know where Tim is, nor has she heard from him since he stormed out of the Dinner Party, but she hopes he’s going to arrive to try move forward.
EXCLUSIVE: Katie speaks out about last night’s explosive Dinner Party
Unfortunately, production has learned that won’t be the case.
“Tim has told us he’s not moving into the apartments and he’s decided to return home to Melbourne,” a crew member tells her.
While Tim has not even turned up, in Jacqui and Ryan’s apartment, Jacqui’s having the opposite problem. Ryan is too comfortable.
He’s left his shoes on the bed, which has apparently been an overwhelming, ongoing problem throughout the less-than-24 hours they’ve been living together.
“The mums out there, what do you do when you’ve got a dirty boy in the house?” she asks in a selfie video.
EXCLUSIVE: Watch Evelyn and Duncan’s explosive reactions to the first Dinner Party
While we all ponder that, Confessions Week gets underway!
All the classic tasks are back, including the confessions letter and of course… the dreaded Photo Ranking Challenge.
We are 12 seasons in, and yet still, some participants still get it so wrong.
Jacqui is feeling confident about the task and happily ranks Ryan, whose headshot does not feature a full beard, top of her list.
Then it’s Ryan’s turn and he promises to be “100 per cent honest”.
The problem is that Jacqui doesn’t really want 100 per cent honesty. She wants to “feel like the most special girl in the world”.
“I’m going to put you third,” he says after much deliberation.
Then he wonders if he should revise things. To make them worse, actually. Perhaps he should’ve ranked Jacqui fourth, he wonders.
“Sierah to me has a much more attractive face,” he says.
Oh no.
“I think we got out OK,” he shares, incorrectly.
Jacqui says she came into this experiment with a dream of lighting 100 candles and Ryan does not deserve that level of romance nor fire risk.
EXCLUSIVE: Ryan admits he was ‘insensitive’ after Photo Ranking task leaves wife Jacqui ‘bawling her eyes out’
The other couples are also learning a lot about each other.
Morena can now do an accurate impression of Tony’s snoring, and Sierah’s discovery of Billy’s fear of birds is delivering her endless entertainment.
They’re supposed to be shopping for pet fish, but it doesn’t exactly go to plan.
As part of Confessions Week, Katie is given the opportunity to watch Tim’s audition tape.
“I’m not Brad Pitt, I’m not expecting Miranda Kerr,” he says in it, adding that he’s willing to “give it a go” even if there is no initial spark on his wedding day.
It’s basically the opposite of what Katie’s been experiencing since meeting him. She flings her wedding ring across the table in disbelief.
Tony and Morena take on the Photo Ranking Challenge, and it seems Morena has never taken anything more seriously in her life.
Paul, Billy and Jake are bottom of the heap, because they did not acknowledge her at the Dinner Party. It seems fair, but her explanation is… wordy.
“Morena can talk, man,” Tony laughs.
Across the hall, Billy is using the Confessions Letter task as an opportunity to open up to Sierah about something he’s never spoken to a partner about.
“Eight years ago I moved back to the UK with the hope of reconnecting with my dad. I hoped he would’ve picked up the phone or wanted to see me, but he didn’t,” he shares through tears.
“Being rejected by someone who should’ve wanted to be there, it has broken me,” he continues, saying it has led to a fear of rejection.
Sierah is grateful for his honesty – and promises she’s not going anywhere.
Watching Adrian’s audition video opens up old wounds for Awhina, as he mentions being ready to be a dad.
“I never said I wasn’t ready to be a dad,” he defends. “I didn’t say I wanted to be someone else’s dad.”
In Pictures
The biggest bombshells from Confession Week on MAFS 2025
“Why are you still here?!”
Awhina feels like they won’t ever be able to get past this.
It’s obviously a biiiig problem, but Adrian insists Awhina “ticks eight out of 10 boxes” so he’s trying to keep an open mind and stick around.
After a really rough start to the experiment, Katie is taking a break from Confessions Week for some much-needed girl time with Ashleigh and Jamie.
They immediately notice her wedding ring is off, which means there is some TEA that needs to be SPILLED.
”Imagine being 38 years old and ghosting,” Jamie reacts to Tim’s disappearance.
The gals offer a much-needed pep talk and Katie says she’s “back up on my throne”.
This year, the experts have added a new task to Confessions Week – the Ex Files, where they have to dish all about their past relationships.
It’s supposed to help the couples learn more about each other, but for Jacqui, it mostly just presents as the perfect opportunity for revenge. How will Ryan like some brutal honesty?
She describes her ex as “6’4″ tall, blonde, blue eyes, God-like body”.
Ryan doesn’t like this, but Jacqui insists she’s “just being honest”.
”I think she’s got some definite growing to do in terms of considering where I’m coming from, in terms of considering my feelings,” he reacts.
Hi pot, meet kettle!
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He’s pushed over the edge when Jacqui says she would’ve said yes if her ex proposed.
Getting Under Ryan’s Skin was not an official Confessions Week task, but if it were Jacqui would get a gold star!
Tomorrow night we’ll see if anyone else can match their chaos, as Confessions Week deepens some connections and has others falling apart.
Married At First Sight continues Monday through Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.
Stream every episode of Married At First Sight for free on 9Now
CREDIT: By Chelsea McLaughlin at Nine Entertainment
Please note: This recap first appeared on 9Now located HERE
Please note: This recap was written by Chelsea McLaughlin and made available on TV Central with permission by Nine
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Recap | Married at First Sight Season 12 Episode 7