Tuesday 26 November 2024 TV Ratings Australia Analysis for Total TV Consolidated 7 Day
Total TV Consolidated 7 Total People

Consolidated 7 25-54 Total TV

Total TV Consolidated 7 16-39

Consolidated 7 Grocery Shoppers (18+) Total TV

Overnight Ratings
Daily Shares - TV+BVOD
Breakfast Television
Total People
(Note: Initial numbers are for reach and numbers in brackets are for average audience)

Seven News was #3 for the night with a reach loss of 45 000 and an average audience lead of 60 000 over 9News. A repeat of The Force: Behind the Line was #11 with 927 000 (577 000). A repeat of Ambulance: Code Red was #13 with 899 000 (374 000). The movie, Kingsman: The Secret Service was #6 with 1 129 000 (285 000).
9News was #2 for the night. A Current Affair was #4 with 1 450 000 (972 000). A repeat of Travel Guides was #1 with 1 811 000 (661 000). The Grand Tour was #7 with 1 078 000 (324 000). 9News Late was #41 with 346 000 (179 000).
Resto My Ride Australia (R) – 237 000 (88 000)
Love Island Australia (9GO) – 391 000 (210 000) with 182 000 on BVOD.
Deal or No Deal was #31 with 442 000 (240 000). The Project was #16 with 693 000 (270 000). The season final of Taskmaster Australia was #15 with 745 000 (360 000). Stand Up: Just for Laughs was #27 with 524 000 (162 000).
Law & Order: SVU – 245 000 (113 000)
10’s Late News – 143 000 (78 000)
ABC News was #9 for the night. 730 was #8 with 1 059 000 (642 000). Headliners was #18 with 672 000 (328 000). Solar System with Brian Cox was #21 with 567 000 (274 000).
Anh’s Brush with Fame (R) – 267 000 (132 000)
SBS World News was on 244 000 (151 000). SBS World News 7pm was on 236 000 (111 000). Great Coastal Railway Journeys was #33 with 434 000 (180 000). Who Do You Think You Are? UK was #28 with 494 000 (203 000). A repeat of Greatest Train Journeys From Above was #44 with 317 000 (89 000).



Grocery Shoppers (18+)

How the Networks Analysed their Own Performance
Note: N/A means the network has not sent out a report today
- Travel Guides Encore was the No. 1 entertainment program of the night with Total People, taking out the 7.30pm timeslot across Australia. It registered a National Total TV Reach of 1.811 million and a Total TV National Audience of 661,000. On 9Now, it recorded a BVOD Audience of 51,000.
- Love Island Australia was the highest rating BVOD program yesterday with Total People and all key demos across Australia with a BVOD Audience of 182,000 – up 10.4% year-on-year. It was also the No. 1 Program of the night with People 16-39, securing a National Total TV Reach of 391,000 and a Total TV National Audience of 231,000 – up 9.1% on the same day last year.
- 9News was the No. 1 program with Total People across the 5 City Metro and in the three largest markets of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The combined national bulletins registered a National Total TV Reach of 1.780 million and a Total TV National Audience of 1.074 million. On 9Now, its BVOD Audience of 91,000 was up 54.5% year-on-year.
- A Current Affair dominated the 7.00pm timeslot with Total People across Australia and in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. It recorded a National Total TV Reach of 1.450 million and a Total TV National Audience of 972,000. On 9Now, it recorded a BVOD Audience of 75,000 – up 43.0% on the same night last year.
- Tipping Point was the No. 1 afternoon game show with Total People across Australia, winning in all five metro markets. It achieved a National Total TV Reach of 1.246 million and a Total TV National Audience of 662,000, lifting the timeslot by 35.7% when compared to the same day last year.
- The Grand Tour achieved a National Total TV Reach of 1.078 million and a Total TV National Audience of 324,000 and a BVOD Audience of 22,000.
- Today was the breakfast show of choice with Total People across the 5 City Metro and in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. It secured a National Total TV Reach of 798,000 and a Total TV National Audience of 333,000. On 9Now, its BVOD Audience was 36,000 – up 25.7% year-on-year.
- The 9Network was the No. 1 network on Tuesday night across the 5 City Metro with Total People and all key demographics.
9Now was the No.1 CFTA BVOD platform with Total People and all key demographics.
Seven reaches 4.92 million, 7NEWS on top in total TV
· National total TV audience share: 37.9%
· 7NEWS: #1 program in total TV, reaches 1.74 million
· Kingsmen: The Secret Service: reaches 1.13 million
· Sunrise: #1 at breakfast
26 November 2024:
Seven Network reaches 4.92 million Australians nationally.
7NEWS Tuesday: #1 program in total TV. National reach 1.74 million, national audience 1.13 million.
Kingsmen: The Secret Service: National reach 1.13 million, national audience 285,000.
The Chase Australia Tuesday:National reach 1.03 million, national audience 488,000.
The Force – Behind The Line: National reach 927,000, national audience 577,000.
Sunrise Tuesday: #1 breakfast program.National reach 913,000, national audience 399,000. 20% more viewers than Today.
Ambulance: Code Red: National reach 899,000, national audience 374,000.
Network | All people | 25 to 54s | Grocery shoppers |
Seven Network | 37.9 | 35.7 | 38.1 |
Nine Network | 40.4 | 39.3 | 40.1 |
Network Ten | 21.7 | 25.1 | 21.8 |
Taskmaster Tops Timeslot In 16 To 39s & Biggest BVOD Ever!
It was the Taskmaster Season 3 finale last night that saw unreliable items, gnome names, new sins and pancake flips! Mel Buttle may have won the episode, but it was Aaron Chen who won the series, taking home the prized trophy of Tom Gleeson’s cranium in gold form.
Taskmaster – Finale:
- 745,000 total national viewers reached.
- Up 15% week-on-week.
- Up 18% in 16 to 39s and 11% in 25 to 54s week-on-week.
- #1 in its timeslot in 16 to 39s with a strong commercial share of 30.5%.
- Series: Biggest BVOD audiences ever! 62,000 viewers, up 3% compared with the 2023 series average.
Other highlights:
- 10 News First: Up 5% year-on-year.
- Deal Or No Deal: Up 14% week-on-week.
- 10 Bold Drama: Up 10% week-on-week and 14% in its key demo of over 40s.
- 10 Peach Comedy: Up 12% week-on-week and 100% in its key demo of 16 to 39s.
- Nickelodeon: Up 118% week-on-week.
7-day Total Viewing Audience (Tuesday 19 November):
- The Cheap Seats- Finale: Reached 966,000 total national viewers.
- Taskmaster: Reached 917,000 total national viewers.
Shark Tank Australia – Tonight At 7.30pm On 10 And 10 Play.
Source: OzTAM, Regional TAM, Virtual Australia, Top 30 Overnight / Consolidated 7 programs, Lifts and share based on 5 City Metro, Overnight.
OzTam Information

You can find all the latest ratings HERE
A link to OzTam is HERE
Tuesday 26 November 2024 TV Ratings Australia
Tuesday 26 November 2024 TV Ratings Australia