Analysis for Total TV (6 February, 2023) and Overnight (13 February, 2023) ratings.
TOTAL TV – Total People
Australian Idol is consistent with a crowd of over 800k.
#2 Seven News at 6:30 – 1,487 000 (+3%)
#3 Seven News – 1,464 000 (+3%)
#7 Home and Away – 1,031 000 (+23%)
#12 Australian Idol – Monday – 814 000 (+27%)
#14 The Chase Australia – 765 000 (+3%)
#18 The Chase Australia – 5pm – 438 000 (+3%)
#19 Sunrise – 390 000 (+5%)
#23 Starstruck – 342 000 (+11%)
#25 Seven News at 4:30 – 315 000 (+3%)
#27 Seven News at 4 – 287 000 (+2%)
Nine remains #1 with MAFS and builds a new brand in Big Miracles.
#1 Married at First Sight – Monday – 1,881 000 (+67%)
#4 Nine News 6:30 – 1,115 000 (+4%)
#5 Nine News – 1,064 000 (+4%)
#6 A Current Affair – 1,054 000 (+7%)
#16 Big Miracles – Launch – 636 000 (+36%)
#17 Hot Seat – 475 000 (+4%)
#24 Nine’s Afternoon News – 320 000 (+4%)
#26 Today – 294 000 (+8%)
#28 Hot Seat – 5pm – 283 000 (+5%)
10 remains strong with Australian Survivor competitive and on this night, ahead of Australian Idol.
#11 Australian Survivor – Monday – 847 000 (+50%)
#20 10 News First – 382 000 (+2%)
#21 The Project 7pm – 382 000 (+6%)
#29 FBI: Most Wanted – 278 000 (+26%)
#30 The Bold and the Beautiful – 265 000 (+4%)
ABC shows strong results with its regular Monday line-up.
#8 ABC News – 957 000 (+3%)
#9 730 – 869 000 (+5%)
#10 Back Roads – 868 000 (+13%)
#13 Media Watch – 790 000(+18%)
#15 Four Corners – 707 000 (+14%)
#22 Q+A – 343 000 (+11%)
TOTAL TV – 25-54
Married at First Sight was #1 with 991 000, a rise of 97%. Australian Survivor – Monday was #2 with 470 000, an upswing of 58%. Home and Away was #3 with 352 000, a lift of 43%. Australian Idol – Monday – was #6 with 325 000, an increase of 46%. Big Miracles – Launch was #7 with 317 000, a boost of 50%.
Daily Shares
Breakfast Television
Seven News at 6:30 was #1 with wins in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Seven News was #2 with a clean sweep in all markets. Home and Away was #9 with 483 000. Australian Idol – Monday was #13 and fell behind Australian Survivor with 425 000. Starstruck had 166 000 viewers after 9pm. The Latest: Seven News returned to the schedule with 92 000 viewers. Seven closed out the night with a repeat of Busted in Bangkok to 43 000.
The Super Bowl LVII entered the Top 20 with 329 000 viewers. Pre game coverage sat at 214 000 and post game coverage had a viewership of 173 000.
Nine News was #5 with no wins in any market. Nine News 6:30 was #4 with a small 2000 win in Melbourne. A Current Affair was #6, but #1 in its slot with 662 000. Married at First Sight sat below 800k for the first time in a while with 779 000 and was #3 for the night. Big Miracles was #18 with 301 000. Nine News Late had 146 000. A new episode from the final season of New Amsterdam went to air around 10:30 for an audience of 69 000. A repeat of The Equalizer aired late night to 41 000.
The Project 6:30 kicked off the night for 10 with 182 000. The Project 7pm moved to 299 000. Australian Survivor – Monday was #11 with 469 000 and beat Idol in the slot. Would I Lie to You Australia kicked off a hilarious new season with 229 000 viewers. Ghosts kept the laughs going with 126 000. A repeat of FBI: Most Wanted followed with 79 000.
ABC News was #7 for the night, but #2 in its slot as it fell behind ACA. 730 was #8 with 487 000. Back Roads was #12 with 432 000. The combined tally of 730 and Back Roads put the hour ahead of Survivor and Idol. Four Corners was #16 with 346 000. Media Watch actually improved on that audience to land at #14 with 374 000. Q+A had 191 000 viewers.
- Married at First Sight
- Australian Survivor
- Seven News at 6:30
- Seven News
- Super Bowl LVII: Chiefs at Eagles
6. Home and Away
10. Big Miracles
12. Australian Idol
14 Would I Lie to You Australia
- Married at First Sight
- Australian Survivor
- Seven News at 6:30
- Seven News
- Nine News 6:30
8. Home and Away
9. Australian Idol
11. Super Bowl LVII: Chiefs at Eagles
12. Big Miracles
13. Would I Lie to You Australia
Multi Channels
Winner: 7two (4.1%)
Second: 10 Bold (3.3%)
7two crushed the competition and were #1 multi channel. Doc Martin was #1 with 118 000. Inspector Morse was #10 with 89 000 and Bargain Hunt was #11 with 87 000.
10 Bold was a distant second with NCIS #3 with 101 000, Bull at #5 with 97 000 and then a second repeat of NCIS, #9 with 91 000.
How the Networks Analysed their Own Performance
Note: N/A means the network has not sent out a report today
- Married at First Sight wins timeslot with Total People and all key demos across the 5 City Metro and East Coast and in all metro capital cities
- Married at First Sight takes out the top program live streamed yesterday against all broadcasters recording a Live BVOD Audience of 123,000 (+37% YoY)
- Married at First Sight takes out the top 2 programs streamed on catch up yesterday against all broadcasters
- Married at First Sight episode 10 recorded a VOD BVOD Audience of 125,000 (+13% YoY)
- Married at First Sight episode 10 recorded a Live + VOD BVOD Audience of 248,000 (+24% YoY)
- Big Miracles recorded a Live + VOD BVOD Audience of 51,000
- Big Miracles wins timeslot across the 5 City Metro, East Coast and in Melbourne with Total People and all key demos
- A Current Affair recorded its highest Live BVOD Audience season to date of 53,000 (+41% YoY)
A Current Affair wins timeslot across the East Coast and in Sydney with Total People and all key demos

Overnight ratings Monday, 13 February 2023.
- Australian Survivor: 647,000 national viewers. Peaked at 767,000 viewers.
- Australian Survivor: #2 show in under 50s, 25 to 54s and 16 to 39s.
- Australian Survivor: Achieves biggest Monday audience of the season.
- Network 10 & 10: #2 network and channel in under 50s and 16 to 39s.
Network 10 (10 + 10 Bold + 10 Peach + 10 Shake):
- #2 network in under 50s and 16 to 39s.
- 31.2% commercial share in under 50s, 30.3% in 16 to 39s and 30.2% in 25 to 54s.
- 10: #2 channel in under 50s and 16 to 39s.
- 10 Bold: Up 11% week-on-week and 10% in its key demo of over 40s.
- 10 Bold: #2 multi-channel.
- 10 Bold: #2 multi-channel in its key demo of over 40s.
- 10 Peach: #1 multi-channel in its key demo of 16 to 39s.
- 10 Peach: Up 12% in its key demo of 16 to 39s.
Australian Survivor:
- 647,000 national viewers (metro + regional + live stream). Peaked at 767,000 viewers.
- #2 show in under 50s, 25 to 54s and 16 to 39s.
- Achieves biggest Monday audience of the season.
- Up 4% week-on-week.
- #2 in its timeslot in under 50s, 25 to 54s and 16 to 39s.
- 30.2% commercial share in under 50s.
- 10% bigger audience than closest competitor.
- 109% bigger audience than closest competitor in 16 to 39s, 74% in 25 to 54s and 73% in under 50s.
- Achieves biggest livestream audience of the season.
- Livestream audience up 41% compared with the same episode in 2022.
Would I Lie To You? Australia:
- 324,000 national viewers. Peaked at 505,000.
- #2 in its timeslot in under 50s, 25 to 54s and 16 to 39s.
The Project 7pm:
- 403,000 national viewers. Peaked at 593,000.
- Up 6% week-on-week.
- 6:30pm: Up 2% week-on-week.
- Full hour: Up 4% week-on-week.
10 News First:
- 350,000 viewers nationally. Peaked at 429,000.
- #2 in its timeslot in under 50s, 25 to 54s and 16 to 39s.
OzTam Information