Monday 18 November 2024 TV Ratings Australia Analysis for Total TV Consolidated 7 Day
TV Ratings Australia: Total TV Consolidated 7 Total People

TV Ratings Australia: Total TV Consolidated 7 25-54

TV Ratings Australia: Total TV Consolidated 7 16-39

TV Ratings Australia: Total TV Consolidated 7 Grocery Shoppers (18+)

TV Ratings Australia: Overnight Ratings
Daily Shares - TV+BVOD
Breakfast Television
TV Ratings Australia – Total People
(Note: Initial numbers are for reach and numbers in brackets are for average audience)

Seven News was #1 for the night with a reach lead of 85 000 and an average audience lead of 92 000 over 9News. Home and Away was #6 with 1 339 000 (905 000). My Kitchen Rules was #3 with 1 795 000 (1 062 000). Murder in a Small Town was #10 with 1 123 000 (431 000).
S.W.A.T – 297 000 (139 000)
The Latest: Seven News – 139 000 (76 000)
9News was #2 for the night. A Current Affair was #4 with 1 472 000 (1 018 000). RBT was #5 with 1 348 000 (606 000). Murder Down Under was #14 with 932 000 (400 000). A Killer Makes a Call was #29 with 561 000 (222 000). 9News Late was #50 with 317 000 (160 000).
Chicago Med – 210 000 (98 000)
Love Island Australia (9GO) – 352 000 (178 000) with 155 000 on BVOD.
Deal or No Deal was #36 with 433 000 (252 000) The Project was #22 with 663 000 (300 000). Dessert Masters was #15 with 869 000 (349 000). Matlock was #18 with 735 000 (366 000). Five Bedrooms was #37 with 424 000 (141 000).
10’s Late News – 159 000 (81 000).
ABC News was #11 for the night. 730 was #8 with 1 207 000 (750 000). Australian Story was #16 with 855 000 (554 000). The Space Shuttle That Fell to Earth was #12 with 982 000 (456 000). Media Watch was #24 with 658 000 (525 000). Q+A was #20 with 704 000 (240 000).
ABC Late News – 197 000 (53 000)
SBS World News was on 248 000 (151 000). SBS World News 7pm was on 326 000 (134 000). Into South America with Nick Knowles was on 308 000 (130 000). 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown was #39 with 412 000 (157 000). Never Mind the Buzzcocks was on 217 000 (80 000).

TV Ratings Australia – 25-54

TV Ratings Australia – 16-39

TV Ratings Australia – Grocery Shoppers (18+)

How the Networks Analysed their Own Performance
Note: N/A means the network has not sent out a report today
- 9News was the No.1 program of the night with Total People across the 5 City Metro and in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The combined bulletins recorded a National Total TV Reach of 1.952 million and a Total TV National Audience of 1.181 million. On 9Now, its BVOD audience of 94,000 was up 56.7% on the same night last year.
- A Current Affair won the 7.00pm timeslot with Total People across Australia, the 5 City Metro and in the three largest markets of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. It achieved a National Total TV Reach of 1.472 million and a Total TV National Audience of 1.018 million. Its BVOD audience was 74,000 – up 34.9% this time last year.
- Tipping Point was the No.1 afternoon game show at 5.00pm with Total People across Australia. It also won the afternoon timeslot in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. It registered a National Total TV Reach of 1.222 million and a Total TV National Audience of 642,000, lifting the timeslot by 40.2% when compared to the same day last year. On 9Now, its BVOD audience of 49,000 was up 104.2% on the same night last year.
- Love Island Australia secured a National Total TV Reach of 352,000 and a Total TV National Audience of 203,000 – up 21.6% on the same day last year. On 9Now, it recorded a BVOD audience of 155,000 – which was up 22.0% on the same day last year.
- RBT achieved a National Total TV Reach of 1.348 million, a Total TV National Audience of 606,000 and a BVOD audience of 48,000.
- Murder Down Under: Bodies In The Barrels recorded a National Total TV Reach of 1.123 million and a Total TV National Audience of 431,000. It also registered a BVOD audience of 30,000.
- Today was the No.1 breakfast program with Total People in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. It recorded a National Total TV Reach of 811,000 and a Total TV National Audience of 337,000. Its BVOD audience was 36,000 – up 20.0% on the same morning last year.
- 9Now was the No.1 CFTA BVOD platform on Monday with People 16-39.
- The 9Network was the No. 1 network on Monday with People 16-39 and People 25-54.
Seven owns Monday, 7NEWS #1, MKR #1 in entertainment
· Seven #1 nationally in total TV
· National total TV audience share: 46.3%
· 7NEWS: #1 program, reaches 2.04 million
· My Kitchen Rules: #1 entertainment program, reaches 1.8 million
· Home and Away: #1 drama, reaches 1.34 million
· Sunrise: #1 at breakfast
18 November 2024:
Seven Network reaches 5.54 million Australians nationally. 7plus up 39% year-on-year.
Seven Network: #1 nationally in total TV in all people with a 46.3% share.
Seven Network: #1 nationally in total TV in 25 to 54s with a 41.1% share.
Seven Network: #1 nationally in total TV in grocery shoppers with a 46.9% share.
7plus: #1 in BVOD with a 45.3% share. #1 in live streaming with 47.2%, #1 in VOD with 43.3%.
7NEWS Monday: #1 program. National reach 2.04 million, national audience 1.27 million. Up week-on-week.
My Kitchen Rules Monday: #1 entertainment program. National reach 1.8 million, national audience 1.06 million. Up week-on-week.
Home and Away Monday: #1 drama. National reach 1.34 million, national audience 905,000.
The Chase Australia Monday:National reach 1.19 million, national audience 566,000.
Murder In A Small Town: National reach 1.12 million, national audience 431,000.
Sunrise Monday: #1 breakfast program.National reach 950,000, national audience 409,000. 21% more viewers than Today.
Network | All people | 25 to 54s | Grocery shoppers |
Seven Network | 46.3 | 41.1 | 46.9 |
Nine Network | 34.4 | 36.0 | 33.8 |
Network Ten | 19.3 | 22.9 | 19.3 |
Dessert Masters Stories Take The Cake.
Matlock Remains 10’s Biggest Scripted Drama Of 2024.
Once upon a time, just five contestants remained in the Dessert Masters Semi-Final. To make it through, they must tell the judges a compelling story across three different, tasty desserts. Dessert Masters Grand Finale airs Sunday, 24 November at 7pm on 10.
Last night:
- Dessert Masters: 869,000 total national viewers reached.
- Dessert Masters: Up 11% in 16 to 39s week-on-week.
- Matlock: 10’s biggest scripted drama of 2024.
- 10 News First: Up 11% week-on-week.
- Deal Or No Deal: Up 15% year-on-year.
- The Project: Up 6% week-on-week.
- Network 10: Up 13% in 16 to 39s week-on-week.
- 10: Up 20% in 16 to 39s week-on-week.
- 10 Peach Comedy: Up 58% week-on-week.
- Nickelodeon: Up 11% week-on-week.
7-day Total Viewing Audience (Monday, 11 November):
- Matlock: Reached 1.07 million total viewers.
- Dessert Masters: reached 1.02 million total viewers.
Taskmaster Australia – 7.30pm Tonight On 10 And 10 Play.
The Cheap Seats – 8.40pm Tonight On 10 And 10 Play.
Source: OzTAM, Regional TAM, Virtual Australia, Top 30 Overnight / Consolidated 7 programs, Lifts, timeslot ranks and share based on 5 City Metro, Overnight.
OzTam Information

You can find all the latest ratings HERE
A link to OzTam is HERE
Monday 18 November 2024 TV Ratings Australia
Monday 18 November 2024 TV Ratings Australia