Recap | Married at First Sight Season 12 Episode 6 – the latest episode recap on TV Central from Channel 9. Watch the show on 9Now.
Grab your knives and forks, because the Dinner Party we’ve all been waiting for is finally here.
After 10 stunning weddings and romantic honeymoons, it’s time for the couples to get reacquainted with each other – over food and gossip, of course.
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Who will put on a united front? Who will not? Who will face the toughest grilling? And who out of this lively bunch will yell the loudest? We’re bound to find out!
But first, we check in with the couples on their honeymoons.
Jacqui and Ryan start their day with some yoga in the Adelaide Hills. While Jacqui focusses on her deep breathing and downward dog, Ryan is being haunted.
By, well, you know:
In Fiji, Awhina and Adrian have hit ‘reset’ after their argument over the Honesty Box by… taking a sound healing class where Awhina falls asleep, snores, and causes Adrian to laugh throughout the rest of it.
It feels unorthodox, but whatever works I guess?
The rest pack their bags and prepare to head back to Sydney to start the rest of the experiment together.
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But someone has beat them all there.
Eliot has requested a chat with John Aiken, demanding to know why he was matched with Lauren, who he is not compatible with because she is not 25 and owns a designer handbag.
“I feel like I stayed longer than I really should have… I gave the honeymoon two days,” he says.
John tells Eliot he is involved in a toxic pattern of sabotaging relationships and explains that until he can acknowledge that, it’s destined to continue.
“I disagree with everything you just said,” Eliot replies.
And with one last hand through his hair, he walks out.
Meanwhile, the couples prepare for their night.
Many are going in a united front after successful honeymoons, including Jacqui and Ryan. She’s sabotaged his beard trimmer and although she’s yet to find a way to add blonde dye to his shampoo, she’s a lot more into this fresh-faced Ryan.
Lauren has not heard a thing from Eliot and is preparing to walk in solo.
“I’m excited to see what everyone’s relationships are like. Surely no one’s can be worse than mine,” she says with a smile.
Uh… don’t speak too soon, Lauren.
Katie is also getting ready on her own and has not heard from Tim, unaware that he’s also preparing to turn up – with a very different story about why their marriage isn’t working.
“I’d be surprised if we can fix this because Katie hasn’t reached out, there’s been no effort to see if I’m okay,” he says.
He’s worried about what the night – and “fiery” Katie – might bring.
Cocktail Hour
Carina and Paul have brought a surprise special guest along with them tonight; Carina’s outrageously long plait.
It’s smiles all round as happy couple after happy couple arrive arm-in-arm, until Katie enters on her own.
She tells the women about Tim’s ‘type’ and his fixation on not having a spark, which really pisses everybody off.
The group are on the war path, but Katie insists she doesn’t want them to go in all guns blazing and asks them to go easy on him.
Right on cue, he arrives.
Jamie, Dave and Billy ask him how things are going from his point-of-view, but Tim deflects and asks them how they are instead.
The rest of the couples arrive and break-up a potential grilling, but we don’t think Tim is going to get off that easily once dinner is served.
Rhi tells the girls about dating Jeff in the past, which absolutely shocks the experts watching on as well.
Last to arrive is Lauren, alone.
The other women are horrified to hear about Eliot leaving their honeymoon – and hope he turns up so they can grill him too.
But, ding ding! Dinner is served, and there’s going to be a noticeable lack of hands running through hair tonight as Eliot has officially ghosted the experiment.
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“I don’t think Eliot’s afraid, he just doesn’t care. He’s a small-minded little man child,” Lauren assesses.
Dinner Party
It’s the first time the couples have all been in the same room, so of course things start with a buzz.
Romance is definitely in the air for many of the pairs, including Carina and Paul who assert they’ve had no issues so far.
They tell the table about their previous date in the real world, and the experts cannot believe their ears.
But after the niceties, IT’S TIME.
Billy, bless him, is on the hunt for goss. He quizzes Lauren about her disaster honeymoon from down the table.
Tim sees her tale as a win for him, telling Katie “you probably don’t feel so bad” after hearing about Eliot’s quick escape.
But then the group turns things back on him, asking in about 100 different ways if he’s still open to trying with Katie.
“All I would say is, I feel like I’ve been the one making most of the effort,” he eventually shares.
They’re unconvinced by his excuse about not having a “spark”, and Katie mentions he also shared with her his “type”.
“I’m just going to shut up,” Tim decides.
He’s also decided that he doesn’t like that Katie didn’t stick up for him while he was being grilled: “That just betrayed my trust,” he tells her.
As he tells her how much more effort he’s been putting in than her, Katie apologies.
EXCLUSIVE: Watch Evelyn and Duncan’s explosive reactions to the first Dinner Party
But Jamie has been watching on, and she is fuming.
She has to excuse herself and Dave from the table to collect her thoughts and take a breather. “Am I the only one seeing what’s going on here? Am I out of my mind, why’s no one reacting?” she says, flabbergasted at the situation.
Of course, Katie and Tim aren’t the only ones struggling. Lauren clinks her glass to make an announcement.
She’s husbandless, which means she’s going to have to leave the experiment.
It hasn’t worked out how she hoped, but she’s walking away with no regrets.
But soon, that distraction is over and Jamie’s tunnel vision is back. She makes a beeline for Ashleigh and Carina and fills them in on what’s happening.
Carina volunteers as tribute, heading to Tim’s side of the table, where he’s sitting with Paul.
“I want to know about your story,” she tells him.
“No, tell me about you guys,” Tim responds.
They go back and forth. Carina asks him about his relationship, he asks her about hers.
“Why don’t you want to answer me? I’m asking you a question, don’t deflect it,” Carina persists.
He says he wants to get to know everyone else.
“It’s not Tim At First Sight,” he says.
“No, it’s Disaster At First Sight,” Morena responds. We have no idea when she took that seat, but welcome to the drama!
Jamie is frustrated that no one is backing her up, but before we know it Tim has had it.
He ups and leaves, with Morena shouting: “Come back, you haven’t asked me how my wedding was!”
And with our first storm out of the season, the first Dinner Party comes to an end as well.
Will he return? Is Katie okay? Will anyone ever ask Morena about her wedding?
Hopefully we’ll get some answers as tomorrow night, the couples check-in to their apartments and Confession Week gets underway.
And to think, we’re only at the beginning! There is one spicy season ahead.
Married At First Sight continues Monday through Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.
Stream every episode of Married At First Sight for free on 9Now
CREDIT: By Chelsea McLaughlin at Nine Entertainment
Please note: This recap first appeared on 9Now located HERE
Please note: This recap was written by Chelsea McLaughlin and made available on TV Central with permission by Nine
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Recap | Married at First Sight Season 12 Episode 6