Grantchester on ABC and ABC iview S9E2 – It’s 1961 and times are changing in Grantchester.
Will has begun to seek new challenges elsewhere, while Geordie and Cathy deal with an independent Esme being free in a dangerous world. It’s not long before Reverend Alphy KoBaram arrives as the new vicar, immediately enchanted by the glorious village. But will the locals ever be able to accept him as one of their own?
Will wants to grab a quiet moment with Geordie to tell him that he and Bonnie have decided to leave
Grantchester. But with everyone over for Sunday lunch, it’s not easy. Any chance he might have had
is then thrown out the window when Geordie receives a call about a dead body at the River View Hotel.
As the time approaches for Sunday service, Will and Bonnie enter the church discussing the merits of their decision to leave but are stopped short on discovery of an abandoned baby inside. When they inspect the blanket the baby is wrapped in, they see it is marked with ‘River View Hotel’. Surely this can’t be a coincidence.
They learn that a young woman had checked into the hotel the night before and made a phone call
to the halfway house. Will and Geordie realise that the young woman had called to speak to Sam, Leonard’s street preacher friend. It turns out that the young woman had come to some of his talks and she’d reached out to him for his help.
Bonnie’s son, Ernie, reports that he witnessed a young girl wearing a school blazer enter the church that morning.
The blazer had a logo on the front, that of the Fidelis School for Girls. Was the mother
of the baby a pupil at this prestigious girls’ school and felt pressured to give her up? And how does the hotel manager’s death fit into all of this? As Will and Geordie probe into the staff and pupils of the school, secrets start to emerge that turn the entire investigation on its head.
Meanwhile, Will finds an inopportune moment during the investigation to tell Geordie that he, Bonnie and the kids are leaving Grantchester. Geordie is clearly stung by the news but tries to hide his true feelings by saying nothing.
Frustrated that Geordie won’t talk to him, Will confronts Geordie at the vicarage that evening, trying his utmost to explain why they’ve taken this decision. Geordie shoots back that he thinks Will is being selfish by splitting up the families like this.
Hurt and upset, Geordie charges into the next room and unceremoniously announces to everyone that Will and Bonnie are leaving, even blaming Bonnie for putting Will up to this. Will is left angered and frustrated by Geordie’s reaction but only hopes they can repair their friendship before the time comes for the Davenports to leave.
Production credit: A Co-Production of Kudos and MASTERPIECE for ITV
Grantchester on ABC and ABC iview – Saturday 28 September at 7.30pm
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