Sex Before the Internet on SBS Viceland and SBS on Demand S1E8 – Sex Before the Internet explores the world before porn was at your fingertips 24/7.
It was a time when X-rated magazines, VHS tapes, and 1-900 lines let people get in touch with what touched them. This is sex, analogue-style.
Episode Eight: The Hef of Gay Porn
Deep Throat made porn mainstream, but it took time for gay porn to come out of the closet. One buttoned up producer would help it happen and revolutionise American masculinity.
Sex Before the Internet on SBS Viceland and SBS on Demand – Final Episode / Friday 19 July at 9.25pm (8 Parts)
TV Central SBS content HERE
Sex Before the Internet on SBS Viceland and SBS on Demand S1E8