Paris: Mystery of the Lost Palace on SBS
Paris: Mystery of the Lost Palace (image - SBS)

Tonight | Paris: Mystery of the Lost Palace on SBS and SBS on Demand

Paris: Mystery of the Lost Palace on SBS – It was Versailles before Versailles: a spectacular palace in the heart of Paris, with a history spanning 2000 years – from Julius Caesar’s invasion of Gaulle to Marie Antoinette’s imprisonment as she awaited execution.

So how has it been erased from memory and built over by successive government buildings?

To determine exactly when, and why, this lost masterpiece was built the experts will strip away layers of political, military, and religious history long hidden from view with a single goal: to gather clues beginning as far back as 52 BC in order to digitally reconstruct the Lost Palace, piecing together the size, shape and texture of the palace and discover its hidden surprises by interacting with scientists and historians.

Paris: Mystery Of The Lost Palace – Premiere – Friday, 14 July at 8.30pm on SBS and SBS on Demand

TV Central SBS content HERE

Paris: Mystery of the Lost Palace on SBS

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