Love Me on ABC and ABC iview S1E6 – Peter visits Clara to see why she ran off last night. He lays it on the line – he’s in love with her – but still, she says nothing.
Aaron and Jesse make their way to the city together, both wondering what their kiss really meant. They both feel it and decide to take the leap.
At the hospital, Clara and Sacha get on the nitrous oxide, both laughing and crying about the mess of their lives. Clara’s a jumble of emotions – family relations, grief for the loss of her mother, what to do about Peter. But it’s Sacha’s blunt assessment that makes her start to see what she must do to be happy.
As the wedding looms, Anita and Glen get stuck in to organising. But the two very different approaches expose their different personalities. Anita wants an informal party that will make people feel welcome; Glen wants a formal affair that ticks all the traditional boxes and demonstrates their commitment.
Having finally found his soulmate, Aaron has a renewed sense of purpose. That is until Ella appears and explains why she hasn’t stopped calling him. Knocked for six by the revelation, he can’t see the way forward anymore and avoids Jesse.
The night before the wedding, Glen asks Clara to read a passage at the ceremony. It’s not until she’s on her way that she opens it up to read. The sentiment hits her and suddenly she knows what she has to do. She sets out to find Peter.
As the guests begin to gather, Aaron tells Jesse what he’s been hiding. It’s the wrong time and it backfires. Glen and Anita wed, and Clara reads the passage Glen had sent over.
Finally, in all their grief and fear, The Mathiesons are prepared to risk love and loss again and let it in.
Production credit:
Warner Bros. International Television Production Australia
Love Me on ABC and ABC iview – Sunday 5 January at 9.20pm
TV Central ABC content HERE
Love Me on ABC and ABC iview S1E6