The new ABC drama series Fires is inspired by the devastating bushfire season of 2019/2020.
In this podcast, actor Hunter Page-Lochard talks about devastation and tragedy but then also about the community support and spirit that triumphed.
During this chat, Hunter chats about:
- the level of responsibility as an actor portraying a significant Australian tragedy
- insights offered by families and volunteers to the cast and crew
- reliving a tragedy through a character
- premise of the series
- Mott (Hunter’s character in the show)
- Mott and Tash
- the end of episode 1 (no spoilers)
- how the fire scenes are actually filmed
- working with the big names of the Australian industry
- Play School
- Streamline
- where he feels most comfortable acting in
- the perfect role
- the balancing line between good drama and showing respect to victims and families
- how the tone of the show could be described
Special thanks to Kim Bassett at ABC for organizing this interview
Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox