Big Brother


Big Brother 2022 Eviction #8 – Sam

It’s time to go….. Sam Sam tried to write her own book in the Big Brother house, but for some parts, others had control of the narrative as Josh used the show as an opportunity to communicate his feelings and Tully returned to the house which made for some awkward moments in Sam and Drew’s on air relationship. Sam was brave enough to talk to me about all things Josh / Drew / Tim and Tully, as well as moments viewers missed and what is next for her life. – Advertisement –     Sam chats about: Big Brother not being what she expected Whether she knew Josh would be in the Big Brother house Her application (?) to Big Brother How she felt about Josh using Big Brother as an opportunity to confess his feelings Current status with Josh What drew Sam to Drew (nice pun!) The cancelled eviction Making connections with other housemates other than Drew Conflict with Tim Status of relationship with Drew now Complications of having Tully in the house Own business on the outside What is next? Thanks to Nav Kaur at Seven for organising the podcast. Big Brother – Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Seven Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox  Instagram: @sambam___

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Big Brother 2022 Eviction #7 – Lulu

It’s time to go….. Lulu Lulu appeared to be a floater in the house, caught between the newbies and the OG’s – however that could not be further from the truth in this revealing interview. Lulu also opens up about her fears in the panic room with Tim and whether the cancelled eviction with Sam made the house feel cheated. – Advertisement –     Lulu chats about: Being up against Sam in the eviction room Whether she was in the OG or newbie alliance Pressure in being identified as a floater in the house The panic room Dealing with the drama in the house Who she would like to see win Whether she figured out Brenton’s game plan Big Brother in Brazil Thanks to Nav Kaur at Seven for organising the podcast. Big Brother – Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Seven Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox Instagram: @luforu

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Big Brother 2022 Eviction #6 – Trevor

It’s time to go….. Trevor Trevor would have to be the safest person in the Big Brother house – not a single nomination in 110 days (including his previous series) but one time in the nomination chair and he was gone. In this latest podcast, I unpack exactly happened and why Farmer Dave’s safe nomination completely backfired. – Advertisement –     Trev chats about: Why he didn’t scramble for votes to save himself Why he told Aleisha that he had to vote for him Being in the nomination chair for the first time The physical challenges that involve him pulling his own weight Dealing with the drama in the house Who he would like to see win His original $1,000,000 prize Life after Big Brother 2.0 Thanks to Nav Kaur at Seven for organising the podcast. Big Brother – Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Seven Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox Instagram: @bigtrevb

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Big Brother 2022 Eviction #5 – Joel

It’s time to go….. Joel Joel won 4 out of 6 challenges, making him a challenge beast, but it also put a target on his back, allowing the OG’s to pounce when he missed a win tonight. In this latest podcast, Joel talk about a possible unfair play by Big Brother in his final challenge, whether there was really a J Crew and his feelings for Aleisha. – Advertisement –     Joel also chats about: The blessing or curse of being a challenge beast Scrambling for votes against the OG crew Gabbie’s claim that the J crew were not inviting His on again and off again relationship with Aleisha What newbie he thinks will go the furthest in the Big Brother house Being a vegan in a KFC win Current studies Being friends with his exes and their parents Thanks to Nav Kaur at Seven for organizing the podcast. Big Brother – Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Seven Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox Instagram: @joelnotley

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Big Brother 2022 Eviction #4 – Lara

It’s time to go….. Lara #PillowGate. It was a moment that divided the nation – Was Lara authentic when she made a pillow toss to decide between voting for Mel or Joel and not announce which side was who? There was nothing unauthentic about this podcast with Lara – she opens up about #PillowGate, her eviction from the show and how Big Brother changed and saved her life. – Advertisement –     In this podcast Lara chats about: #PillowGate Fighting words with Jaycee The elimination challenge Strategy in the elimination challenge Drama in the house Who she would like to win Big Brother Health scare Love life What the future holds Thanks to Nav Kaur at Seven for organizing the podcast. Big Brother – Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Seven Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox

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Big Brother 2022 Eviction #3 – Layla

It’s time to go….. Layla In a beautiful Big Brother moment, Layla heard the pitch from Johnson to remain in the house, which detailed his life long obsession with everything about the show. It reminded Layla of how she felt back in 2012 and wanted Johnson to be able to remain in the house for as long as possible and, in essence, self sabotaged herself by voting for Dave – knowing he was completely safe and assisting to evict herself from the show. It was another moment in which Layla has shown so much personal growth since her first time in the house, some 10 years ago. – Advertisement –     The party girl from 2012, just got engaged and prefers a life of crocheting and pottery and the simplicity of watching a sunrise. In this podcast Layla chats about: the pitch made by Johnson The emotion of the eviction Sneaky Tim (or was he?) her game plan Drew / Tully / Sam Aleisha / Joel Pillowgate who she would like to win do guys really use the Eric Clapton song “Layla” as a pick up line? her recent engagement Thanks to Nav Kaur at Seven for organizing the podcast. Big Brother – Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Seven Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox

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Big Brother 2022 Eviction #2 – Mel

It’s time to go…. MEL Was this a case of having everyone in the house as a friend but having no real alliances? Mel was friendly, upbeat and brought a lot of smiles and joy to the Big Brother house. In this interview Mel opens up about her strategy (or maybe lack of one), whether the newbies have any chance against the OG’s and reveals a whole different take on the Josh and Sam situation. – Advertisement –     Official Channel 7 Recap A friend in need Super strategist Tim saves bestie Drew from eviction Tonight on Big Brother, Sam and Drew’s simmering flirtation turned into a full blown love affair, sealed with their first kiss. Later that night, romance bubbled away in the spa between Joel and Aleisha. With 17 people in the house sharing limited rations, frustrations started bubbling beneath the surface, but Big Brother had a plan. In tonight’s house task, housemates vented their inner angst, rage and frustration in return for food. Dave was the first to vent, screaming at top of his lungs, and was showered with coffee beans. Other housemates followed the suit, resulting in a much calmer, sharing and caring household. The three nominated housemates faced off in a gut-wrenching second chance challenge to win safety from eviction. Layla swept an emotional win, leaving Mel and Drew on the chopping board. During the eviction ceremony, royalty Reggie and Tim were successful in convincing the housemates to keep Drew in the game. Mel became the second housemate to leave the house, much to the newbies’ dismay. “I believe what happened in that eviction is Drew shined his genuine qualities through. I know I was going against an O.G. that had Tim create a campaign for him. Tim’s a powerful man,” – said Mel. Next week on Big Brother: the housemates play dirty as they battle it out to stay on top of the pecking order and Drew and Sam’s romance heats up. But when Drew’s ex-flame enters the house, will it spark the biggest love triangle in Big Brother history? Head to 7plus now to watch extended votes, exit interviews and unseen moments from inside the house. Big Brother – Continues 7.30pm Monday on Channel 7 and 7plus Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox

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