It’s time to go….. Layla
In a beautiful Big Brother moment, Layla heard the pitch from Johnson to remain in the house, which detailed his life long obsession with everything about the show. It reminded Layla of how she felt back in 2012 and wanted Johnson to be able to remain in the house for as long as possible and, in essence, self sabotaged herself by voting for Dave – knowing he was completely safe and assisting to evict herself from the show.
It was another moment in which Layla has shown so much personal growth since her first time in the house, some 10 years ago.
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The party girl from 2012, just got engaged and prefers a life of crocheting and pottery and the simplicity of watching a sunrise.
In this podcast Layla chats about:
- the pitch made by Johnson
- The emotion of the eviction
- Sneaky Tim (or was he?)
- her game plan
- Drew / Tully / Sam
- Aleisha / Joel
- Pillowgate
- who she would like to win
- do guys really use the Eric Clapton song “Layla” as a pick up line?
- her recent engagement
Thanks to Nav Kaur at Seven for organizing the podcast.
Big Brother – Monday to Wednesday at 7:30pm on Seven
Note: My story and podcast first appeared on TV Blackbox