A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - the crew uncover new behavior, use pioneering and inventive techniques to protect the animals who share our fragile home.
A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - In the time it takes us to complete our annual orbit around the sun, a newly hatched penguin chick grows a ...
A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - As the Earth comes to the end of its journey around the Sun, for those animals that succeed, their place in ...
A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - In March, the great melt begins, and new life erupts. Wednesday 1 ...
A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - In March, the great melt begins, and new life erupts. Wednesday 25 ...
A Year on Planet Earth on Channel 7 - The Arctic sun sets and won't return until Spring. Airs Wednesday 18 October at 7.30pm on Channel 7 and 7plus.
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