ACMA responds to TV prominence consultation - which aims to make it easier for Australians to find free-to-air TV services.
ACMA releases 2023–24 Australian content expenditure for SVOD providers - spent $341 million on Australian programs in the 2023–24 financial year.
ACMA research reveals media and communications trends - in the Australian media and communications sectors.
Subscription TV providers spend over $32 million spent on Australian drama programs in 2023–24 - spent a total of $32.54 million.
ACMA extends commercial TV code of practice consultation - this code would establish a revised set of rules for television.
ACMA welcomes commercial TV code of practice consultation - this code would establish a revised set of rules for television.
ACMA report shows 2023 Australian content compliance by commercial TV - for their primary and non-primary channels in 2023.
ACMA report shows 2023 Australian content compliance by commercial TV - for their primary and non-primary channels in 2023.
7NEWS Spotlight promo breaches accuracy requirements - has found promotions about vaping breached the accuracy rules.
Report shows Australian content spending by commercial television in 2022–23 -networks spent $1.67 billion on Australian programs.
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