Asking for It on SBS – Asking For It explores the sexual revolution we’re all living through – one that’s taking us from the ‘sexual liberation’ of the 1960s and ‘70s to the era of ‘enthusiastic consent’.
Journalist Jess Hill, (See What You Made Me Do) returns to SBS with Asking For It, reigniting a national conversation about the epidemic of sexual violence impacting millions of Australians. From schools to universities, aged care and in institutions – this series asks: how can we change our rape culture into a consent culture?
Over three episodes, Jess joins advocates who are forcefully driving change in Australia and learns why they are insisting on quality consent education, embedded across our national curriculum, from kindergarten onwards. Jess meets the prominent victim survivors spearheading Australia’s consent revolution including Saxon Mullins, Grace Tame, Noelle Martin and Adele (delsi) Moleta who shed light on their experiences navigating the legal system, fighting for law reform, and dealing with trauma.
Throughout the series Jess interviews a range of experts, community groups and consent educators from across Australia and beyond our shores: from the incredible work being done to educate male youth by sex and consent educator Richie Hardcore, to Reset Australia, leading the charge in tackling emerging digital threats. Jess experiences the joy of a consent friendly LGBTQIA+ dance party and reveals the pioneering work in South Africa that’s testing bespoke care centres and courts to create a cocoon of care and justice for victim survivors.
Series One, Episode Two:
Less than ten percent of victims report sexual violence, but for the past decade it’s the only major crime category that’s continued to rise.
Many argue our justice system is failing the few victims whose cases actually goes to trial.
Jess Hill investigates our institutional responses to rape, and alternative justice systems beyond Australia’s shores.
Asking For It – New Episode – SBS Commission – Thursday, 27 April at 8.30pm on SBS and SBS on Demand (3 Parts)
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