Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? on 10
Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? (image - Paramount)

Tonight | Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? on 10 and 10 Play

Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? on 10 – Todd Sampson is back – this time to debunk myths from the wellness industry.

Amidst the rise of the wellness influencer, Todd looks into the power of pseudoscience and the dangers of misinformation.

Putting his body on the line, he’ll undergo weird and wonderful therapies including magnetic therapy, leech facial, detoxing, crystal healing, applied kinesiology and bee therapy. Yes, bee therapy!

Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? on 10 on 10 and 10 Play – Wednesday 21 November, 2023 at 7.30pm

Media Release – Paramount

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Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? on 10

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