The Darkness on SBS and SBS on Demand S1E1 – At age 66, Hulda Hermannsdóttir is a woman whose eyes have seen many things, most of them painful.
She has worked in the police force for decades. Whip-smart, she knows she’s the best cop, but at work she is surrounded by men. Men whose skills simply don’t match up to her own, even if their attitudes suggest otherwise.
As she unwillingly approaches retirement, a year after the unexpected death of her daughter Dimma, Hulda is faced with a case of a missing woman that consumes her entirely.
Episode One:
Hikers exploring the glaciers of Iceland discover a dead woman, Katya, frozen in the glacier. Hulda realises the officer on the case, Alexander, had ignored evidence related to the case a few weeks earlier. She goes to Magnus, the chief, to assign her to the case; he agrees but says this is her last case.
The Darkness on SBS and SBS on Demand – Series Premiere / Thursday 9 January at 9.30pm (6 Parts)
TV Central SBS content HERE
The Darkness on SBS and SBS on Demand S1E1