The Block on Channel 9 – Oh, it’s a big episode. After a weekend of waiting we’re finally here… it’s Kids’ Bedroom Room Reveals!
Tonight, we learn what a perfect room looks like because one team scores 10s from all three judges. (Which also means they earn themselves a whopping $40k, and you can imagine how well that goes down in these budget-stressed times.)
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves because we first need to pick up where we left off.
Everyone is busy wallpapering their kids’ rooms like it’s a novel idea and not at all like they’re doing their best to avoid painting.
Leah and Ash have designed their rooms with their own children in mind, and ask the Block boss’s kids Max and Charlie to give the climbing wall a test run. “I think there should be kids judging this week,” Leah admits.
Funny you should say that Leah… you might want to hold that thought.
Leslie from House 1 and Liberty from House 4 are busy looking for styling items together. The pair admit they enjoy shopping together, and there’s a slightly awkward moment when Steph calls and learns where they are. “I’ll come,” she says.
The other two encourage Steph to head down, but later, Leslie admits that Steph’s week of overthinking has left a mark.
“Steph really struggled this week, and we all rode the wave with her because we’re all close with her,” she explains. “But maybe I need to focus a bit of my energy back in House 1.”
Steph is low on confidence because the last time she delivered a kid’s bedroom, she was hammered by the judges for not making it child-friendly whatsoever.
“Because I have very minimalist style, trying to be minimalist in a kid’s room is very interesting,” she shares. She’s doing everything to deliver a dream room this time around.
But all that focus is having an impact on her friendships. Heading home from the shops, Leslie confides in Liberty that she feels her friendship with Steph has become one-sided.
Leslie admits their conversations seem to always revert back to Steph, to the point where Steph will even interrupt her, and talk over her mid-sentence.
“She gets in her head too much,” Liberty agrees. They both agree that broaching the issue with Steph won’t lead to a productive resolution.
But even without them saying something, Steph has instinctively picked up on their vibes. “People don’t want to hang out with me because of like, me being an overthinker,” she confides in Gian, dejected.
“I wouldn’t want to shop with me either.
Steph admits she isn’t always as confident as she might let on. “We’ve learned to be vulnerable,” says Gian, thoughtfully. He says the pair’s “ethnicity and background” have had an impact on them, making it difficult to let their guards down.
“When we’ve grown up, we’ve always had this thing that you always need to present as being OK. I think it’s a very wrong way to live your life.”
Steph wipes tears from her eyes as Gian gives her leg a reassuring squeeze. “You don’t always need to have it together,” he tells her gently. “It’s OK to get things wrong.”
Wise words, Gian.
It’s just what Steph needs to hear as she puts the finishing touches on her kids’ bedrooms. They, too, get a visit from the boss’s kids, eager for a final tick of approval from the pair.
Max and Charlie had earlier visited them for a consult and Steph and Gian have followed their advice all week long. Max is delighted to see his dream come to life and tells the pair he likes everything about the space.
But next door in House 5, Eliza and Liberty have discovered a last-minute conundrum. Their cabinetry is missing an all-important shelf, which is causing a kick-on effect with how their lighting and desk area will come together.
Despite being in and out of the room all day long, with ample opportunity to rectify the problem, Eliza is adamant she’s not to blame for the error. Pushed to the limit, she yelps defensively.
Her voice raises to a screech as she continues her rant… which you can watch in the video below. (Consider yourself forewarned.)
Before long, Scott Cam arrives and just like that, it’s ‘tool’s down’ for another week and time for judging.
As it turns out, the judges had the same idea as Leah and think a child’s opinion should be considered this week. So judge Marty Fox enlists the help of his two adorable children Olive and Freddy, who prove to be just as savvy as their dad.
They mention how it will photograph and what the buyer will want, much less. Instead, they weigh in with what’s fun… and what’s not.
In a surprise twist, Marty is also on hand (with his family) at Block HQ to face the fallout of his own feedback.
“Oh, how awkward is this!?” squeaks Eliza.
Scott Cam agrees. “Let’s hope we all like what Marty had to say today,” he quips.
House 1: Kyle and Leslie
The cash-strapped pair stayed on track with their “s–tshow” of a budget, spending just $16,734 cash on their two kids’ spaces.
Marty’s kids find the fun in the team’s first, basketball themed room. Shaynna Blaze agrees. “My son would love this,” she notes. Marty likes that the room is versatile but thinks it’s a stark difference to the rest of the house. Shaynna’s on board with that, but believes the bigger issue is the room simply doesn’t feel high end.
Scott’s incredulous when he learns that Kyle and Leslie blu-tacked posters to the wall directly. “We double-sided sticky-taped it,” Leslie corrects. Scott reads Marty’s feedback, explaining he felt it was “unacceptable.”
“This is so awkward!” Eliza whispers, furtively glancing between Marty and Kyle and Leslie.
But Marty grins and owns it completely. He adds the room has nothing “offensive” but it’s very “pigeon-holed”.
Over in the second bedroom, the judges feel it’s “light and bright” and note the gender-ambiguity and addition of the arches makes it work much better with the rest of their home.
They like the room but once more pull up the pair on their floorplan, noting that the kids’ bedrooms feel bigger than the master bedroom – something a buyer won’t like.
It’s yet another week of tough feedback for the pair, who recently admitted the constant negative comments were demoralising. “I’m not feeling great, to be honest,” says Leslie, tears welling in her eyes.
“[The judges] might not see it, but plenty of other people do,” Kyle reassures her.
House 2: Leah and Ash
The team have been nothing but self-assured this week as they crafted two distinctly bold rooms, spending $21,912 cash.
Darren Palmer loves the “big, bold statement” of the first room, which features a rock climbing wall and striking printed wallpaper. Marty concurs and admits his kids loved the space and the “wow factor” it offers. Shaynna interjects that it’s Leah and Ash at their best.
The stylish and elegant room also offers an emotional connection for a buyer. “A lot of kids will love [it],” says Marty.
If they appreciated the boldness of the first room, they love it even more in the second. The dedicated performance space is “high energy” and Shaynna, a born performer, can’t wipe the smile off her face.
“It’s just good fun,” she says.
Everyone queries the styling choice of using a day bed, and Marty flat-out says its “not appropriate.”
“They’ve sort of missed the mark on that,” he says. But overall, everyone agrees the rooms are visually spectacular and luxe.
House 3: Kristy and Brett
Spending $14,890 on their kids’ bedrooms, Kristy and Brett were eager to win over the judges. But their two rooms earn mixed feedback. The first jungle themed room earns praise and the judges adore the colour-in wallpaper.
“This is so sweet,” Shaynna enthuses. She adds that Grafico wallpaper is extremely versatile and easily removed, allowing the space to change quickly. Marty nods, saying the room has sophisticated playfulness and a lot of adaptability.
Marty’s children love the playful triangle bed, and his son Freddy quickly climbs all over it. Other than their slightly dodgy painting, Shaynna says “there is nothing to fault in here. Zero.
The same can’t be said for their second room. With its wallpaper-wrapped ceiling, the space is declared a “shock to the senses.”
Marty is surprised to find himself liking the wallpaper and Shaynna agrees… but Darren quickly shuts them down. “It’s like I just got punched in the face,” he says. He believes the overall effect us “totally hectic.”
But after taking some time to let the striking effect sink in, Darren says he does in fact, like it. “I just had to absorb the blow,” he quips.
House 4: Steph and Gian
It’s finally time for the stressed-out pair to find out if their second run at designing a child-friendly room is better than their first. Steph and Gian splashed $25,580 on their rooms and are desperate for the judges to like them as much as they do.
Without question, they do. In fact, they’re gobsmacked as they enter the first bedroom.
“Diamonds are made under pressure,” Darren breathes. “This is one shimmering diamond.”
“What a room,” says Marty. “You can just see the thought that’s been put into this, can’t you?” He’s especially impressed Steph and Gian have continued their Japandi styling.
“They have nailed this room.”
Darren can’t get over how sophisticated the design is. “It is absolutely chic as… heck.” He notes how many deliberate decisions have been made to deliver such perfection.
It’s fair to say Marty is back on the ‘Steph and Gian train’ and in studio, he even gives a little ‘toot toot’ to demonstrate just how much.
The second room, aimed at a younger age group and twins, earns just as much praise. “Oh wow,” Shaynna says.
“Man, I love this room so much,” Darren agrees.
“They just adored your styling, Steph,” Scott notes, adding the judges think buyers with young kids will “lose their minds.” (That includes Marty’s kids, who love the spaces.)
House 5: Eliza and Liberty
“Insanely nice” is how Shaynna describes the first room from the sisters, who spent an impressive $13,217 on their spaces this week.
They’re extremely touched when they see the very special artwork the pair included, from young entrepreneur Novalie. Darren wipes tears from his eyes as Shaynna reads a letter written to them aloud.
They like Brickman’s Cheetah and the cabinetry, and admire the elevated styling, but don’t appreciate the strip lighting the two used.
In the second room, the styling is again complimented, as is the wall mural. Marty’s kids appreciate it – and the dedicated reading nook too. The judges admire the clever, budget-savvy choices and the fact the room delivers “joy and warmth”, as well as the versatility the girls were striving for.
“It’s going to be very, very hard to go past House 5 on Auction Day,” says Darren sagely.
And the verdict is…
Everyone gasps when the scores start dropping. They’re high across the board, but when Steph and Gian earn a 10 from Darren straight away, everyone cheers.
That continues when a second 10 drops from Marty.
The joy is less forthcoming when he gives Eliza and Liberty an 8. “Oh what a dog,” Eliza jokes, flicking him a look of disgust.
“Fives next week,” he laughs back.
It’s no shock when Shaynna too, throws down a 10 for Steph and Gian… making it a clean sweep for their two rooms.
The spaces they worried about all week long were deemed pure perfection… and with three bonuses, the two take home an enormous $40,000. That’s on top of the $50,000 they won recently for the Domain Listings and Buyer’s Jury Challenge.
Cashed up is an understatement.
Steph breaks down in relieved tears as Gian praises his wife’s growth. “I’m proud,” he shares.
The final scores are:
House 1: Kyle and Leslie – 24
House 2: Leah and Ash – 28
House 3: Kristy and Brett – 27.5
House 4: Steph and Gian – 30
House 5: Eliza and Liberty – 26.5
But just as it seems like everything’s done and dusted for the evening, Scott announces a twist.
The teams knew Marty’s children checked out their spaces… but what they didn’t know was that they also chose a winner. And that winner receives a special, bonus point (not-so) secret Gnome.
It isn’t the prettiest of things… but it will pack a punch when the time comes – especially as there are only three weeks to go.
Steph and Gian’s flawless run comes to a halt, as Leah and Ash receive the Gnome.
The remaining three teams don’t depart empty handed however, as every team learns they’re getting an extra $10,000 from CommBank to take on next week’s bathrooms and re-do rooms.
We hold our breaths but amazingly, everyone leaves smiling. And what a treat it’s been to have mostly happy tears shed tonight!
…Hold that thought.
Because Leslie, who has copped weeks of quite intense feedback, has finally broken. She admits she feels “s–thouse.”
Kyle adds that as happy as he is for his mates in House 4, the fact they’ve just won 90k in a couple of weeks means things will never be the same.
“It’s not a very even playing field now,” he shrugs, sadly.
The Block on Nine and 9Now – airs Sunday 7.00pm and continues Monday to Wednesday at 7.30pm on Nine and 9Now. Catch up on all the latest episodes on 9Now.Â
This recap has been used with permission from Channel 9
Special thanks to Lulu Wilkinson at Nine.
Link to 9Now HERE
Link to Lulu’s full recap including with extra video content and info HERE
The Block on Channel 9
About The Block
Get ready, Australia. The Block, the number one renovation reality program, returns for an incredible 19th season on Sunday, August 6, at 7.00pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.
Set in the family-friendly Melbourne suburb of Hampton East, the new series features five houses designed and built in the 1950s and located on the aptly named Charming Street. These grand old dames are now aged in their 70s and way overdue for a contemporary update.
For the first time in Block history, host Scott Cam will be providing contestants with the full renovation schedule ahead of time this season. So get your cameras out, Blockheads, it’s photo time.
Adding to the year of Block firsts and amping up the stakes at play during the 48-hour House Decider Challenge, contestants will be seeing all finished designs of the houses on Day 1. Who will prevail and get the house of their choice?
Not only will they get the schedule and designs up front, but in another first, they’ll receive their entire budgets as well.
However, the Blockheads will soon find out that it’s not all smooth sailing when renovating an original 1950s home – structural issues, extreme weather events, and a mountain of demolition will test our five keen couples every step of the way.
Plus, The Block’s state-versus-state rivalry will be amplified by the sheer closeness of the houses this year. Who knew being able to peak into your neighbours builds would cause such tension?
The couples in contention are: sisters Eliza and Liberty Paschke (personal assistant, 37, and integration producer, 34, VIC); parents Kyle and Leslie Cottone (firefighter, 36, and teaching aide, 34, WA); parents Leah and Ash Milton (first aid officer, 31, and builder, 36, QLD); married couple Kristy and Brett Beames (project manager, 34, and safety officer, 34, SA); and newlyweds Steph and Gian Ottavio (architect, 27, and start up worker, 27, NSW).
Real estate expert Marty Fox isn’t the only new addition to the lineup this season. The formidable foremen Keith Schleiger and Dan Reilly will be joined on site with the fan favourite from last year, Tom Calleja.
The nation fell in love with Tom and his wife Sarah-Jane because of their work ethic and relatable marital bickering, and he jumped at the chance to work with Scotty and come back as this year’s official Block plumber.
The designs of the amazing homes in this series again come from The Block’s resident architect, Julian Brenchley.
At stake is $100,000 for the overall winner of The Block, on top of any profit the five couples can all make on the critical auction day. Plus bragging rights for the winners’ state.
Since premiering on Channel 9 in 2003, Australia’s richest reality program has awarded a total of $32,592,807.65 in prizemoney.
The Block – on Channel 9 and 9Now
Media Release – Nine
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