The Block on Channel 9
The Block (image - Nine)

Recap | The Block on Channel 9 and 9Now (22 October)

The Block on Channel 9 – It’s been a week of intense drama and tonight, we get to see the result of the high-stakes backyard and pool areas.

And holy wowsers, are they sensational.

Grab your pool noodles and let’s immerse ourselves in one of the last ever Room Reveals for this season!

Let’s rewind for a second, as we kick things off with some incredibly busy contestants who have very little patience left.

House 3 are the perfect example of both.

They’ve been navigating challenges with their landscaper all week. It’s now Saturday and their paving is incomplete, they have no mulch and no plants… and that doesn’t mean their plants haven’t been put into place.

It literally means they have no plants. Their landscaper Dan forgot to order them.


The Block 2023 Charming Street Episode 45: Kristy and Brett's landscaper
Things are not going well in House 3. (Nine)

Brett explains he is trying desperately to finish his time on The Block on a happy note, so he’s choosing to take the last-minute arrival of some greenery as a positive.

Hold that thought…

There’s an issue with their pool’s paving. As the landscaper tries to defend his work and Foreman Dan points out the problem, Brett removes himself altogether… aware he is close to exploding. The happy vibes have instantly evaporated as he practices some deep breathing.

At House 1, Kyle and Leslie are also on a knife’s edge. Unlike House 3, they’re tracking well in terms of finishing their yard. But when it comes to their emotions, they’re also very shaken.

“This week has been the worst week I’ve had on The Block,” Leslie admits.

She and Kyle have clashed with neighbours Leah and Ash, who accused House 1 of playing a “dirty” game, of not being honest about how much they were spending and of potentially breaking the rules. During a heated confrontation, they went so far as to suggest an audit.

The whole thing broke Leslie’s spirits. She ended up cancelling an agreed Block Bucks swap with Leah, admitting she was fed up and didn’t want Leah to benefit from her kindness.

When Leah discovered she no longer had the Block Bucks she needed to secure a coveted order, she was crushed. She said she felt “betrayed” by Leslie and openly wept about the situation.

Leslie however, still has a bad taste in her mouth. “Why should two people have that impact on us?” she queries.

“It’s had an impact on how I feel about my [Block] experience,” Kyle adds.

But Leah too, says she’s feeling “flat.”

“It’s hard not to get in your head about it,” she explains.

That ‘flatness’ is relieved when the teams are given a last minute cash bonus from Weber. It means Leah is able to scramble back some of the furniture, including her dream daybed. She’s delighted.

Steph and Gian are putting together a backyard that really showcases exactly how much money they’ve won lately. It’s massive and it has every sort of feature imaginable, including a pizza zone, a fire pit, a plunge pool, a sauna and an enormous deck.

The pair have used some very cool blinds on the deck that when pulled down, essentially transforms the space into a whole extra room.

It’s glamorous and luxurious and everything House 3 is not right at this moment.

Brett remains inside, still trying to decompress, as chaos swirls in his backyard. Kristy however, has reached critical mass.

When her much-anticipated delivery of mulch arrives, it is not at all what she’s expecting. It actually looks like “a big pile of elephant poo.”

“Pretty weird looking mulch,” adds Foreman Keith. Foreman Dan is equally horrified. “Looks like a big pile of s–t that,” he says bluntly.

The Block 2023 Charming Street Episode 45: Kristy
That mulch is…. not…. great. (Nine)

What’s been delivered is two tonnes of unwashed pebbles, which their builder helpfully explains to a perplexed Kristy. That may be fine for a normal garden, but for one that’s up for contention of $10,000 worth of prize money, which needs to be finished in less than 24 hours, it’s just not going to cut it.

When Troy Lovett (House 1’s landscaper) sees the mulch, he’s also taken aback. “It’s going to feel like a masonry concrete jungle out there,” he tells Kristy, given how much paving they also have. He also explains it takes a long time to install the pebbles and wash them down.

Landscaper Dan overhears Troy’s insights and interjects, “What’s wrong mate?”

Well, this is awkward.

Troy beats a hasty retreat and Dan tells Kristy that if she wants Troy on the job instead, he’ll pack up and leave.

“Why am I even here?” Dan explodes.

“I’m thinking the exact same thing,” she shoots back.

Kristy points out the many challenges the team have faced – and continue to deal with. “We’re not going to finish at this point in time,” she adds.

“You promised us the world and then don’t deliver on it!”

Brett’s zen moment is interrupted by the sound of his wife’s raised voice… and he reluctantly goes outside to back her up.

“Everything’s just gone wrong,” Brett explains to Dan, as they continue to spar back and forth about what exactly that entails.

The Block 2023 Charming Street Episode 45: Kristy and Brett
“Landscaping sucks!” (Nine)

“I’m doing the absolute best I can,” the dejected landscaper finishes. Brett agrees that’s the case, but adds, “We are worried that it’s just not to the standard that it needs to be.”

The landscaper shrugs and tells the couple if they want Troy Lovett to do their front yard next week, they should go ahead and do it.

The lack of reply from Kristy and Brett tells him all he needs to know.

The Block 2023 Charming Street Episode 45: Kristy and Brett and their landscaper
This does not bode well for next week, we must admit. (Nine)

There’s nothing that can be done at this stage, so the team pushes on… and join their fellow Blockheads in getting very little sleep in a last ditch effort to complete their yard.

The next morning, Scott Cam is joined by a very special visitor for his legendary ‘tool’s down.’ Jordan is a massive Block fan and through the Make-A-Wish foundation had asked to watch Scotty make the call.

But Scott does him one better and gets Jordy to shout it out himself. Jordy does a magnificent job.

Watch out Scotty, you might have competition on your hands!

Everyone washes the dirt from under their fingernails and heads to HQ for the final verdict on their backyards and pools.

The judges are joined this week by landscaping legend Dave Franklin, who will offer an expert eye on the contestants’ efforts.

House 1: Kyle and Leslie

The stakes are particularly high for the hardworking couple. They’ve thrown every bit of cash they have at their backyard and pool, in a last ditch effort to get close enough in scoring to use their gnome and win some cash.

They love and believe in their space and are desperately hopeful for good feedback. (And to confirm, they spent $41,800.)

“I feel quite ill if we don’t win,” Leslie admits. “It’s hard to find that joy just yet.”

The first reactions from the judges are promising. “This is insane,” Shaynna Blaze says. Marty Fox and Dave think the steps to the pool are stunning… but Marty is also concerned about how practical and safe they are.

“This is an adult area,” Marty notes, the judges agree… and we can pinpoint the exact moment Kyle and Leslie’s hearts begin breaking.

The Block 2023 Charming Street Episode 45: Kyle and Leslie
It’s now. Exactly now. (Nine)

Shaynna says she believes the pair are opting for an older buyer without young children, but Marty points out who the typical buyer for the area is and apparently they do usually have primary school aged kids.

Shaynna doesn’t feel the styling is sophisticated enough however, to sell the dream to that older audience.

It’s not all bad. The paving is admired, as is the firepit.

But the second seated area is roundly criticised. The judges can’t understand why the pair created a lounge area in a dead space, right next to an air con unit.

“No one will use it,” Shaynna says bluntly.

Once again, the pair’s use of space is criticised and hearing the feedback, it’s clear that Kyle and Leslie are absolutely devastated. It isn’t what it needs to be for a win and any dream they had of using their gnome appears to be shattered.

Leslie lets the tears fall as Kyle looks weary.

House 2: Leah and Ash

The couple spent $46,360 on their backyard and the judges instantly appreciate the way it flows seamlessly through from the indoor spaces. The expansive outdoor cooking and dining area earns praise, with everyone agreeing that it alleviates the issue of their smaller sized kitch.

Shaynna pointedly notes that the yard is ideal for both adults and kids. The judges adore the tree and plant choices and say there’s a genuine feeling of warmth in the backyard.

Dave adores the way the curves of the house have been reflected in the yard’s design and everyone marvels at their use of space.

…and for the record here too, they love the Camerich day bed.

“No buyer will walk in and leave this outdoor area without loving it,” enthuses Marty. He adds it will sell the house for the pair.

House 3: Kristy and Brett

Kristy and Brett’s yard cost them $40,649 cash and they’re glad the week is over. “I don’t know if we love it,” Brett admits.

The judges feel the same way.

Dave is stunned by the lacklustre area. “I’m actually a little bit bored here,” he admits. He says the design is non-descript, the paving isn’t great and the BBQ area is bland.

He lists a litany of issues, and not surprisingly that includes the average planting and that contentious pebble ‘mulch’.

“I hate the pebble,” Dave says bluntly.

Shaynna also loathes the statue of a dog taking a pee and says all the styling is “low end”.

The judges concur the pool is the best part of the yard, despite the dodgy paving job. Marty concedes they’ve done a great job of nailing what’s essentially a front yard, and making it work as an entertaining space.

Please Marty, do not start calling it a front yard, we beg of you.

House 4: Steph and Gian

It’s been a tough week for Steph and Gian but they’ve thrown everything they have at their expansive backyard… and that includes cash. They spent $71,704 creating a dream yard and they’re proud of what they’ve achieved.

The judges are blown away, starting with that extra outdoor deck area with the blinds. “I want to swear!” Shaynna explodes. “This is so f’ing good!”

“It’s lush, it’s spacious, it feels so phenomenal,” she adds.

“It’s unbelievable,” Marty agrees.

The judges now instantly understand why the pair chose to flip their kitchen and dining areas and Dave explains they’ve managed to “create rooms” all around the yard. He also gets very excited about the wealth of plant options.

“This is ticking all the boxes,” Marty says, adding he believes the two could possibly break the price record for a house in Hampton East come auction day.

“This will set a precedent,” he gushes. “This is transformative for the suburb.

The judges all agree they have just walked around “one of the best gardens they have ever seen.”

“I would say this is absolutely the perfect backyard,” says Darren Palmer, definitively.

House 5: Eliza and Liberty

The girls spent $55,893 on their backyard and are confident it ticks all the boxes.

(And one last moment for the record… they too have that coveted daybed from Camerich.)

Immediately, Dave and Marty are critical of the concrete the girls have used as a form of decking. “There’s a lot of it,” Dave states.

Shaynna agrees and says the concrete doesn’t align with the rest of the house as it feels too industrial. “There’s no grass,” Marty adds. “It just feels cold and harsh,” Scotty reads aloud.

Marty says buyers won’t love being in the yard at all and Darren thinks there were many “better choices” that could have been made.

The outdoor BBQ area also doesn’t hit the mark for the judges. They feel the space is uninviting. Marty claims it feels like a “shed” and Dave agrees.

“This, for me, is a disaster,” Marty finishes.

“It’s confronting not getting one single positive comment,” says a disappointed Liberty.

The verdict is…

With two Gnomes in place, the teams are nervous. This week, the overall total is out of 40, as Dave will also be giving his scores. Houses 1 and 2 also have Gnomes they can play.

“We’re gonna get Gnomed,” Steph predicts.

Dave’s scores land first and it’s still anyone’s game. But when Darren gives Kyle and Leslie an 8 and Leah and Ash a 9.5, Leslie sighs.

“Rest in peace, us,” she whispers to Kyle.

The Block 2023 Charming Street Episode 45: Kyle and Leslie
Devastated. (Nine)

With multiple 9.5s thrown in the direction of Houses 2 and 4, things are neck and neck.

Scott asks if anyone would like to play a Gnome. It’s the $10,000 question.

For Kyle and Leslie, there’s no point. And they’re shattered about it.

For Leah and Ash, there’s every point. But Ash tells Scott he is saving the Gnome to try and win the car next week. It’s a huge call.

And it may not turn out to be the right one… because Steph and Gian win by half a point, scoring $10,000 for the overall glory and an extra $10,000 because Shaynna gives them a 10!

The final scores are:
House 1: Kyle and Leslie – 33
House 2: Leah and Ash – 37.5
House 3: Kristy and Brett – 28
House 4: Steph and Gian – 38
House 5: Eliza and Liberty – 27Play Video

Scott Cam announces the Backyard and Pools Week winner

“That’s twice you haven’t played the gnome and could have won,” Scott chastises Leah and Ash. Frankly, we did not need another reminder that the Mustang Mach-E is now in play and everyone is frothing to win it.

Everyone, that is… but Kyle and Leslie.

With no money left and yet another week of harsh feedback ringing in their ears, the two have hit rock bottom.

And when you’re this low, you’ve got nothing to lose.

A sneak preview shows that Kyle and Leslie are still swinging… as they suggest Steph and Gian buy their gnome and possibly thwart Leah and Ash’s Mustang dreams.

“Let me teach you a lesson in how to really f–k things up in the last week,” Leslie grins.

Oh my dramatic god. 

The Block on Nine and 9Nowairs Sunday 7.00pm and continues Monday to Wednesday at 7.30pm on Nine and 9Now. Catch up on all the latest episodes on 9Now. 

This recap has been used with permission from Channel 9

Special thanks to Lulu Wilkinson at Nine.

Link to 9Now HERE

Link to Lulu’s full recap including with extra video content and info HERE

The Block on Channel 9

About The Block

Get ready, Australia. The Block, the number one renovation reality program, returns for an incredible 19th season on Sunday, August 6, at 7.00pm on Channel 9 and 9Now. 

Set in the family-friendly Melbourne suburb of Hampton East, the new series features five houses designed and built in the 1950s and located on the aptly named Charming Street. These grand old dames are now aged in their 70s and way overdue for a contemporary update. 

For the first time in Block history, host Scott Cam will be providing contestants with the full renovation schedule ahead of time this season. So get your cameras out, Blockheads, it’s photo time. 

Adding to the year of Block firsts and amping up the stakes at play during the 48-hour House Decider Challenge, contestants will be seeing all finished designs of the houses on Day 1. Who will prevail and get the house of their choice?

Not only will they get the schedule and designs up front, but in another first, they’ll receive their entire budgets as well. 

However, the Blockheads will soon find out that it’s not all smooth sailing when renovating an original 1950s home – structural issues, extreme weather events, and a mountain of demolition will test our five keen couples every step of the way. 

Plus, The Block’s state-versus-state rivalry will be amplified by the sheer closeness of the houses this year. Who knew being able to peak into your neighbours builds would cause such tension?

The couples in contention are: sisters Eliza and Liberty Paschke (personal assistant, 37, and integration producer, 34, VIC); parents Kyle and Leslie Cottone (firefighter, 36, and teaching aide, 34, WA); parents Leah and Ash Milton (first aid officer, 31, and builder, 36, QLD); married couple Kristy and Brett Beames (project manager, 34, and safety officer, 34, SA); and newlyweds Steph and Gian Ottavio (architect, 27, and start up worker, 27, NSW).

Real estate expert Marty Fox isn’t the only new addition to the lineup this season. The formidable foremen Keith Schleiger and Dan Reilly will be joined on site with the fan favourite from last year, Tom Calleja.   

The nation fell in love with Tom and his wife Sarah-Jane because of their work ethic and relatable marital bickering, and he jumped at the chance to work with Scotty and come back as this year’s official Block plumber. 
The designs of the amazing homes in this series again come from The Block’s resident architect, Julian Brenchley.

At stake is $100,000 for the overall winner of The Block, on top of any profit the five couples can all make on the critical auction day. Plus bragging rights for the winners’ state. 

Since premiering on Channel 9 in 2003, Australia’s richest reality program has awarded a total of $32,592,807.65 in prizemoney.

The Block – on Channel 9 and 9Now

Media Release – Nine

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