April on iwonder
Kate Winslet (image - iwonder)

April on iwonder

April on iwonder – highlights include Eating Our Way to Extinction, Weathering the Storm, Eco Warriors of Africa, Gambling on Extinction, On the Wild Side, Green Cops, Green Warriors and Trashed.

With the environment never far from the conversation, Earth Day will once again serve as a lightning rod, galvanising the global effort to protect the world’s most vulnerable people, places, and animal populations on the front-line of devasting climate change.

This April, three documentaries exploring the state of human and planetary health arrive on iWonder, each with powerful words of warning at their heart.
First up, ‘Eating Our Way to Extinction’, voiced and executive produced by Academy Award winning actress, Kate Winslet, addresses the existential threat of ecological collapse; ‘Weathering the Storm’ examines a community in Louisiana being forced to abandon their coastal home in the face of devasting storms; while ‘Eco Warriors of Africa’ explores a continent frighteningly poised to feel the full brunt of climate change unless the world takes urgent action.

Then in this April’s iWonder What Top Five, we pull together five films and series that address the unique threat to the planet’s wildlife posed by humanity’s assault on nature.

Eating Our Way to Extinction

Celebrity #Indigenous #Science

Launches 18th April

A hard-hitting and visually stunning feature-length documentary, narrated and executive produced by Academy Award winning actress Kate Winslet, featuring shocking testimonials and poignant first-hand accounts from Indigenous people most affected by our ever-changing planet.
This compelling documentary uncovers hard truths and addresses the most pressing issue of our time – ecological collapse.
With leading scientific experts, and a wealth of world-renowned contributors, including Sir Richard Branson and Tony Robbins, it has a message of hope that will empower audiences.

Weathering the Storm

Destruction #Weather #USA

Launches 16th April

A community in Louisiana is being resettled, as their island home is disappearing underwater.

As the residents in storm-wracked Louisiana consider how long their resilience will last, catastrophic storm after catastrophic storm has left them stretched to breaking point.

Many have simply left the region. Others realise that change must come if they want to preserve their homes and way of life. They are, as one resident says, “the tip of the spear” and warn of the consequences for coastal communities worldwide.

Eco Warriors of Africa

Africa #Activisim #Extinction

Launches 11th April

The world’s youngest continent is in a state of emergency, especially for the 70 percent of Africa’s population under thirty, who confront a daunting future unless urgent action is taken.

Beyond the rapid shifts in weather patterns and food systems already affecting numerous communities across the continent, the anticipated consequences of climate change, deforestation, and land degradation could lead to species extinction and have profound impacts on both people and ecosystems.

As this documentary explores how Africa’s young leaders are rallying to protect our planet, a global crisis continues to unfold, with Africa facing particularly grave risks.

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April 22nd

April on iwonder

Since its inception in 1970, April 22nd, Earth Day has marked a pivotal moment as millions of people around the world take action to protect our planet.
With April symbolic of nature’s renewal in many regions around the world, the 22nd holds significance as the birthday of John Muir, a pioneering advocate for wilderness preservation.

Today, Earth Day serves as a platform to address pressing issues such as climate change, with initiatives like the Great Global Cleanup mobilising volunteers worldwide throughout April.

It’s a reminder of our collective responsibility to protect the planet and ensure a sustainable future for all.

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Kate Winslet

April on iwonder

Kate Winslet, Executive Producer and narrator of ‘Eating Our Way to Extinction’, launching April 18th on iWonder

Alongside her award-winning screen work, Kate Winslet, Executive Producer and narrator of ‘Eating Our Way to Extinction’, launching on iWonder this April, is also a vocal proponent of environmental causes.

Her support for organisations such as Greenpeace and Oceana has seen her lend her voice to campaigns aimed at protecting marine ecosystems. She has also been involved in initiatives to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of climate change on oceans, advocating for sustainable fishing practices and the conservation of marine biodiversity.

Winslet is also a vocal supporter of sustainable living practices, encouraging people to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives. From promoting renewable energy sources to advocating for reducing single-use plastics, she continues to use her platform to inspire positive change and foster a more environmentally conscious society.

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No World Without Wildlife

As part of this April’s Earth Day themed iWonder What Top Five, we explore five films and series that take a different perspective on the threats to existence faced by the planet’s wildlife, who is responsible for the siege, and the people trying to stop them.

1) Gambling on Extinction

Crime #Black Market #Investigation

At the current rate of poaching, elephants, rhinos and tigers living in the wild will be extinct in our lifetime. Who are the global players in this deadly game of power, greed and profit? Who pulls the strings and who are the customers? And why have ivory and rhino horn become perfect investment opportunities?

2) On the Wild Side

Activism #Anti-Hunting #Protection

Through the personal story of one ex-hunter, this film unites the global anti-hunting movement, while also providing an overview of hunting throughout history. Featuring interviews with activists, politicians and organisations all over the world, this documentary sheds light on the psychology of hunting and the methods of the saboteurs.

3) Green Cops

Preservation #Danger #Global

All around the world, specialised units of commandos and rangers are fighting the enemies of the environment. Their mission is to break up gangs, often genuine mafias with henchmen, who illegally exploit the planet’s resources. From toxic waste dumping in Italy to illegal fishing in Indonesia, this action-packed series follows the units both on and off the field.

4) Green Warriors

Revealing #Brave #Justice

Armed with his drone, investigative journalist, Martin Boudot, gets around obstacles and outsmarts bans to reveal what some people are trying to hide, as communities, people, and wildlife come under daily threat.

5) Trashed

Pollution #FoodChain #Waste

Nominated for a Camera D’Or at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, this multi-award-winning documentary follows actor Jeremy Irons as he investigates the global scale and impact of humanity’s modern wasteful consumerism and pollution, and the consequent risks to the food chain and environment.

April on iwonder

April on iwonder

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April on iwonder

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April on iwonder

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