Midsomer Murders on ABC
Midsomer Murders (image - ABC)

Tonight | Midsomer Murders on ABC and ABC iview

Midsomer Murders on ABC – Series 23 sees us back in the fictional picturesque county of Midsomer.

Each episode follows DCI Barnaby and his trusty sidekick DS Winter, as they endeavour to solve perplexing crimes while also exploring the quirks of this delightful but deadly county.


If the dominoes are straight lines and strategy, the world of Drag Queens is the exact opposite. Elaborate, exaggerated, and dripping with sass, there is nothing nuanced about any of it.

The episode takes place around the ‘One Night Only Charity Drag Queen Extravaganza’, an event fundraising for a terminally ill teenager. The catch – this year’s domino showdown has been relegated to the somewhat pokier snug bar, so the Queens can stage their extravaganza in the function room.

The Dominoes are not happy, especially laundrette owner LOIS SPRINGFIELD who has been honing her skills for years. As Lois arrives at the pub to arrange the domino tables, she is delighted to see that the Queens dress rehearsal has descended into mayhem and makes no attempt to hide her disdain for Drag performers.

Having seen enough, Lois stomps back through the pub to the snug … only to be attacked and found in the freezer murdered and dressed as a Drag Queen.

As Barnaby and Winter arrive at The Kings Arms to investigate, looking into Lois’ background they are surprised to discover that she is the chair of the Parish Council; why would she agree to the event allowing the Drag to go ahead when it clashed with the dominoes?

The duo is left to question if they are truly looking at a ‘killer Queen’ incensed at Lois’ opposition to the event, or if someone is trying to point the finger. For Barnaby, the pressure is on to work out who and why, before the killer can strike again.

Midsomer Murders – Sunday 7 May, 2023 at 8:20pm on ABC and ABC iview (season final)

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Midsomer Murders on ABC
Midsomer Murders (image – ABC)

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