Four Corners on ABC
Four Corners (image - ABC)

Tonight | Four Corners on ABC and ABC iview

Four Corners on ABC TV – Investigative journalist Matt Shea delves into the perplexing rise of Andrew Tate, a once-obscure figure who leveraged bombastic online courses to become a global sensation. 

Shea reveals the dark misogynist underbelly of Tate’s network and his use of affiliate marketing to teach men how to manipulate and coerce women.  

Through disturbing chat logs leaked from Tate’s secret society, the War Room, Shea exposes how members are being taught to groom women into online sex work. 

The documentary also unveils a mysterious figure, Iggy Semmelweis, as one of the key players behind Tate’s empire.  

Semmelweis, an American ‘spiritual leader’, wields control over War Room members raising questions about his motives and influence. 

The Man Who Groomed the World? is a BBC production reported by Matt Shea. It goes to air on ABC TV and ABC iview on Monday 6 November at 8.30pm AEDT.  

It can also be seen on the ABC NEWS channel on Saturday at 8.10pm. 

Media Release – ABC

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Four Corners on ABC

Four Corners on ABC TV
Four Corners on ABC

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