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Tonight | 60 Minutes on Channel 9 and 9Now

60 Minutes on Channel 9 – with reports from Dimity Clancey, Amelia Adams and Adam Hegarty will air Sunday 12 May at 8.40pm on 9 and 9Now.


Who is the real Daniel Edmund Duggan? It’s a simple question, but the answer is highly contested and has enormous consequences. For his family and a large group of supporters, he’s a hero. A former U.S. Marine fighter pilot turned proud Australian citizen; a loving husband and devoted dad.

For others though, namely the United States government, he’s a traitor, accused of supplying China with top-secret military information. For the past 19 months, Duggan has been sitting in Australian prisons fighting attempts to send him back to the United States.

As Dimity Clancey reports, a decision about his extradition is expected within weeks, but if the Americans get a hold of him and can prove the allegations, he faces up to 65 more years locked up. It’s a thought his wife Saffrine and six children are struggling to comprehend.

Reporter: Dimity Clancey

Producer: Lisa Brown


For all of his futuristic vision and entrepreneurial drive, billionaire Elon Musk’s bold mission to build a fully autonomous car is stalling. His company Tesla is facing increasingly serious questions about the safety of its self-driving technology.

A major investigation by a U.S. regulator, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, has linked Tesla’s autopilot feature to hundreds of crashes, many of them fatal.

NHTSA says drivers have been lulled into a false sense of security about the cars that isn’t matched by reality. And it gets worse.

There are also accusations that Musk and Tesla talked up the self-driving capabilities of the vehicles so much that they may have committed fraud by misleading investors and consumers.

Reporter: Amelia Adams

Producers: Garry McNab, Emma Schwartz 


It’s important to be reminded that sometimes what we think is impossible isn’t. Fourteen years ago David Mzee suffered terrible spinal injuries after an accident on a trampoline.

He was told he’d be a wheelchair-dependent paraplegic for the rest of his life. That was news David didn’t want to hear, so he didn’t listen. All he wanted was to walk again.

And as he shows Adam Hegarty, with much perseverance and great help from a lot of very smart people, he now does.

Reporter: Adam Hegarty

Producer: Sammi Taylor

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