The Books He Didn’t Burn on SBS and SBS on Demand
The Books He Didn’t Burn (image - SBS)

Tonight | The Books He Didn’t Burn on SBS and SBS on Demand

The Books He Didn’t Burn on SBS and SBS on Demand – The Books He Didn’t Burn takes a critical look at the history of Western thought by examining the remains of Adolf Hitler’s private library.

Hitler owned 16,000 books at the end of his life, 1,200 of which are kept in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C today.

The documentary follows American historian Timothy Ryback, who studied these books for almost a decade. While many still confine racism and antisemitism to the ideological extremes in the history of the West, Hitler’s library shows that the opposite was the case: many of the books in his library were bestsellers long before the Nazis took power in 1933 – the ideas in them paved the way for Hitler and have a strong impact until this day.

The Books He Didn’t Burn will be available to stream free on SBS On Demand.

The Books He Didn’t Burn on SBS and SBS on Demand – Premiere / Sunday 4 August at 5:30pm

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The Books He Didn’t Burn on SBS and SBS on Demand

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