Bonnie and Clyde on SBS – Bonnie And Clyde follows two rambunctious lovers and their violent quest for freedom.
Esra Kaplan (Dilan Yurdakul) has only a few months left in juvenile detention but decides not to return after a dramatic leave visit to her Turkish family. Instead, she and her boyfriend Greg Driessen (Yannick Jozefzoon) are on the run.
For the first time in their lives, Esra and Greg feel free from everything and everyone, but soon the crimes pile up from bad to worse and they come to be known as the ‘Bonnie and Clyde of the Low Countries’. Will they be able to escape and start over together – or will they eventually be overtaken by their past?
Series One, Episode Two:
After a tumultuous evening, they wake up the next morning with bizarre news – they made the news. From now on, Esra and Greg are the ‘Bonnie and Clyde of the Low Countries’.
They decide to drive to the German border as quickly as possible. They hijack a car, but are forced to take driver Frank with them, leaving them with a hostage.
The high-stress situation causes a fight – for the first time, Esra and Greg see a different side of each other.
This way, Bonnie and Clyde are a lot less sexy and glamorous than they thought.
Bonnie And Clyde – New Episode – Monday, 12 June at 11.10pm on SBS and SBS on Demand (4 Parts)
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