Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix – A live-action reimagining of the beloved animated series following Aang, the young Avatar, as he learns to master the four elements (Water, Earth, Fire and Air) to restore balance to a world threatened by the terrifying Fire Nation.
Episodes: 8 episodes x 1 hour
Executive Producers: Albert Kim, Jabbar Raisani, Dan Lin, Lindsey Liberatore, Michael Goi
Starring: Gordon Cormier, Kiawentiio, Ian Ousley, Dallas Liu, Ken Leung, with Paul Sun-Hyung Lee and Daniel Dae Kim
Directors: Michael Goi (101, 102), Jabbar Raisani (103, 104), Roseanne Liang (105, 106), Jet Wilkinson (107, 108)
Writers: Teleplay by Albert Kim and Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko (101), Joshua Hale Fialkov (102), Christine Boylan (103), Keely MacDonald (104), Gabriel Llanas (105), Teleplay by Emily Kim & Hunter Ries and Bryan Konietzko, Story By Ubah Mohamed and Bryan Konietzko & Michael Dante DiMartino (106), Audrey Wong Kennedy (107), Albert Kim (108)
Music By: Takeshi Furukawa
Filming Locations: British Columbia
Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix – 22 February, 2024.
Media Release – Netflix
Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix
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