The Messenger on ABC – When the Ace of Hearts turns up, Ed (William McKenna) realises it’s time to help those closest to his heart – his best friends Marv (Chris Alosio), Ritchie (Kartanya Maynard) and Audrey (Alexandra Jensen).
He puts their names on the ace and sets about trying to work out what they need.
Ed is shocked to learn how little he really knows about his friends and how much his focus on the cards has stopped him seeing what’s been happening in their lives.
Ed discovers Marv has been living with a secret. Ed helps Marv face up to the mistake that’s haunting him and navigate a way towards a new and promising family connection.
Ed suspects his message for Audrey is one of love but with no idea how to tackle that opts to move onto Ritchie. When Ritchie asks Ed to help locate a person at the core of her traumatic past, the journey unearths tensions between her and Audrey that sees the friendship group blown apart.
The Messenger – Sunday 25 June, 2023 at 9.30pm on ABC and ABC iview
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